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Easy Luminaria
Here’s an easy project to make a luminaria for indoor use.
Paper or Metal Cow
Make a stand-up cow figure using paper, card stock, or sheet metal.
Paper or Metal Pig
Make a stand-up pig figure using paper, card stock, or sheet metal.
Paper or Metal Fox
Make a stand-up fox figure using paper, card stock, or sheet metal.
Sun Catchers
A sun catcher is a device that you hang in a window so that the sun illuminates it.
Paper or Metal Hippo
Make a standing hippopotamus using paper or thin sheet metal.
Stacking Blocks
In this project you will make a child’s toy Stacking Blocks.
Cardboard Table
Make a table from cardboard, or card stock, for a doll, a child, or an adult.
Simple Movie
Make a simple animation using only paper.
Paper or Metal Llama
Make a standing llama using paper or thin sheet metal.
Paper or Metal Dinosaur
Make a standing dinosaur using paper or thin sheet metal.